Westmalle Trappist Ale. Tripel Brouwerij Westmalle. Antwerpsesteenweg 496 Malle, 2390 Belgium. 9.5% ABV.
Served chilled from an 11.2 oz bottle and poured into a snifter. Pours a straw golden color with a frothy two finger white foam head. Smell is of citrus, banana, cloves and other spices and a lot of yeast. Carbonation is moderate to high with a medium body. Taste is sweet and spicy, earthy and yeasty. Such a complex beer that is also incredibly drinkable.
In terms of the Trappist beers, this is my favorite. I love the various Chimays, Orval, Rochefort 6, 8 and 10, Corsendonk and Spencer. But this one stands above those in my opinion.
$6/11.2 oz bottle