Sierra Nevada Beer Camp CANfusion Rye Bock collaboration with Oskar Blues. Rye beer 7.2% ABV.
This is the second of two canned beers in the beer camp set, as is the characteristic of Oskar Blues beers. As such, I consumed straight from the can (though poured a little to examine color).
Served chilled and consumed from a 12 oz can. It does pour a beautiful orange amber color with a thick, bubbly head. Smells from the can are yeasty, earthy and citrusy. The carbonation is medium with a medium-light body. Taste is bready, with hints of grapefruit, malt and peppercorn. Aftertaste is citrusy and earthy.
Overall, this is my favorite so far from the Beer Camp pack. I would absolutely buy this again. I am a big fan of Oskar Blues, and have tried several of their beers. Dale's Pale Ale is their flagship, though they have other good ones such as Deviant Dales and Old Chub. They are pretty reasonably priced, so check them out!