Sierra Nevada Beer Camp Alt Route collaboration with Victory Brewing. Altbier 6.6% ABV.
Randomly selected from the beer camp pack. Served chilled from a 12 oz bottle and poured in a snifter. Pours a dark amber to light brown color with a one finger white foam head. Smells sweet and toasty. The carbonation and body are both on the medium side. Taste is of caramel malt, and is bready and earthy with hints of citrus at the end.
Overall a decent beer, but one I wouldn't buy on its own. I have always been a fan of Victory, and consistently buy their products. Some of my favorites of theirs are Dirtwolf, Prima Pils, and Hop Wollop (which has been discontinued) to name a few. It's tough to go wrong when buying them, as they are one of the most consistent breweries out there.