Singlecut Beersmiths Kim Hibiscus Sour Lagrrr! Astoria, NY. American Wild Ale. 3.5% ABV
Served cold in a goblet at Alewife in Long Island City. Pours a murky copper to light amber color with a thin white lace head. Smell is tart and funky with hints of dark fruit. Medium carbonation and well balanced mouthfeel. Taste is tart and sour with hints of sour malt and dark fruit. Aftertaste causes a bit of a pucker, but leaves a combination of sour candy and funk.
I am still very new to sours, and had a bad first experience with Cisco's Cranberry Woods. This was an excellent change of pace, and has me excited to try The Bruery's Sour in the Rye which I picked up yesterday. (Look for the review later in the week). If you have never had a sour, go out and pick one up and keep an open mind. It is a style that is difficult to describe, and is such a unique tasting experience. It is evident why the beer world is going crazy for these. Much of this hype has to do with the incredible level of difficulty it takes to actually brew one of these. After sampling a few more I will be sure to post about the brewing process.
Served cold in a goblet at Alewife in Long Island City. Pours a murky copper to light amber color with a thin white lace head. Smell is tart and funky with hints of dark fruit. Medium carbonation and well balanced mouthfeel. Taste is tart and sour with hints of sour malt and dark fruit. Aftertaste causes a bit of a pucker, but leaves a combination of sour candy and funk.
I am still very new to sours, and had a bad first experience with Cisco's Cranberry Woods. This was an excellent change of pace, and has me excited to try The Bruery's Sour in the Rye which I picked up yesterday. (Look for the review later in the week). If you have never had a sour, go out and pick one up and keep an open mind. It is a style that is difficult to describe, and is such a unique tasting experience. It is evident why the beer world is going crazy for these. Much of this hype has to do with the incredible level of difficulty it takes to actually brew one of these. After sampling a few more I will be sure to post about the brewing process.