Rogue Ales Santa's Private Reserve Ale. Newport, Oregon. American Amber/Red Ale 6% ABV.
Served chilled from a 22 oz bomber and poured into a snifter. Pours a reddish amber color with a one finger off-white head. Smells are of cinnamon, nutmeg and spruce. Carbonation is moderate with a medium body. Actually for an amber this is a pretty full bodied beer (and is only 6%!). Taste is of caramel malt, spruce, nutmeg, allspice, toffee and more spices. This is one sweet, but well balanced beer. Finishes clean and with hints of sweetness.
Overall I was a big fan of this one. I graduated from the Fall season to the Winter beers, and while it isn't even Thanksgiving, all I crave are holiday porters, ales and stouts. A side note, I actually brewed my own Holiday Porter last weekend, and is is still fermenting away in my apartment. It is a Robust Porter brewed with Argentinian honey, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. After trying this beer, I will be on the hunt for spruce, to see if this can be added a few days before bottling.
Do you have a favorite holiday beer?
$8.99/22 oz bomber
Served chilled from a 22 oz bomber and poured into a snifter. Pours a reddish amber color with a one finger off-white head. Smells are of cinnamon, nutmeg and spruce. Carbonation is moderate with a medium body. Actually for an amber this is a pretty full bodied beer (and is only 6%!). Taste is of caramel malt, spruce, nutmeg, allspice, toffee and more spices. This is one sweet, but well balanced beer. Finishes clean and with hints of sweetness.
Overall I was a big fan of this one. I graduated from the Fall season to the Winter beers, and while it isn't even Thanksgiving, all I crave are holiday porters, ales and stouts. A side note, I actually brewed my own Holiday Porter last weekend, and is is still fermenting away in my apartment. It is a Robust Porter brewed with Argentinian honey, cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice. After trying this beer, I will be on the hunt for spruce, to see if this can be added a few days before bottling.
Do you have a favorite holiday beer?
$8.99/22 oz bomber