I'm excited to officially review my first ever homebrew! My roommate Ari, and buddies Justin and Mike and I brewed the Caribou Slobber Brown Ale from Northern Brewer. It sat in the fermenter for 3 weeks before bottling and then in the bottle one week before I first sampled. Been waiting a long time to do this!
Served chilled from a 12 oz bottle and poured into a snifter. Pours a deep brown color with a one finger tan foam head. Smell is sweet and malty. Carbonation is moderate to high with a medium body. Taste is of caramel malt, with hints of toffee and sugar. Aftertaste is slightly bitter and boozy (boozier than I thought it would be.)
Overall I was really excited about this beer. My first bottle of homebrew and it was a success! Honestly ranks up there with my comparable brown ales. If anyone wants to try it please claim it now there are only a few left to put aside!