Harviestoun Old Engine Oil Black Ale. Harviestoun Brewery. Hillfoots Village, Alva, Scotland. Black Ale. 6% ABV.
Pours a very dark black with a two finger tan foam head. Smells of chocolate and nuts. Carbonation is on the lighter side and the beer is relatively light bodied. Tastes of coffee, chocolate, almonds and nuts. The aftertaste is very roasty and chocolatey.
I love this beer from Harviestoun. Definitely my favorite Scottish beer over Bellhaven and Innis and Gunn. There is a reason this one receives a 100/100 from the Bros on BA. Can't imagine how great this would taste fresh over there. If you are lucky enough to find this at your local beer store, be sure to snatch this up. Otherwise, ask me to bring one back from NYC!