Bell's Midwestern Pale Ale. Kalamazoo, Michigan. Bottled October 21, 2013. 5.2% ABV.
Served cold in a pub glass. (Sorry-forgot to take a picture!) Pours a light amber color with a one finger foam head. The smell is earthy with a hint of orange and lemon. The carbonation is moderate and there is a strong bready malt. There is hardly any aftertaste as well.
I was very disappointed by this beer from Bells. They took NYC by storm when they finally arrived in February. Hopslam, Two Hearted Ale, Amber Ale and the Kalamazoo Stout got rave reviews, but this was a definite miss. Perhaps it would taste better fresher (this was bottled in October) but I doubt the flavor dissipated that quickly. I still recommend checking out other beers from Bell's Brewery-just not this one.
Served cold in a pub glass. (Sorry-forgot to take a picture!) Pours a light amber color with a one finger foam head. The smell is earthy with a hint of orange and lemon. The carbonation is moderate and there is a strong bready malt. There is hardly any aftertaste as well.
I was very disappointed by this beer from Bells. They took NYC by storm when they finally arrived in February. Hopslam, Two Hearted Ale, Amber Ale and the Kalamazoo Stout got rave reviews, but this was a definite miss. Perhaps it would taste better fresher (this was bottled in October) but I doubt the flavor dissipated that quickly. I still recommend checking out other beers from Bell's Brewery-just not this one.