Sierra Nevada Beer Camp Maillard's Odyssery collaboration with Bell's. Dark ale 8.5% ABV.
Served chilled from a 12 oz bottle and poured into a pint glass. Pours a black color with a frothy 2 finger tan foam head. Smells are of chocolate and roasted malts. Carbonation is medium with a full body. Taste is of toffee, chocolate, roasted malts and a hint of coffee. Aftertaste is mostly caramel and toffee.
An absolutely delicious beer and may have supplanted CANfusion as my favorite from this collaboration. I love Bell's, and am a huge fan of Hopslam, Kalamazoo Stout, Two Hearted and others. Bravo on this one!
Also enjoy the following picture. Ari wanted to document me documenting my tastings.