Alesmith Yulesmith Summer. American Double IPA (DIPA). San Diego, CA 8.5% ABV.
Served from a 22 oz bomber and poured into a pint glass. Pours a dark golden to light copper color with a 2 finger white foam head. Smells are very citrusy and piney. Immediately I knew I was going to like this DIPA before I even took a sip. Carbonation is moderate with a medium body. Taste is of grapefruit, citrus peel and lots of hops. Aftertaste is bitter, citrusy and lingering.
Overall a very good DIPA, and another great beer from Alesmith. I was hesitant to pick up the Yulesmith (this is their season brand name) Holiday this winter, but after this will definitely pick it up. I almost didn't buy this because I thought it was leftover from the winter (bottle looks exactly the same) but I'm glad I did.